Wednesday 9 April 2014

Q3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Who might distribute your media product? by Ellysia Tsim on GoAnimate

  • Along with this Animation I have written an extra section as to what kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why;
  • In terms of which media institution, it must be one which consists of music so company's such as ICP Media and BBC both deal with music therefor are good candidates to distribute my product.
  • About IPC ; IPC Media produces over an astonishing 60 recognized media brands and with print alone they reach almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK men. Their websites all together reach over 20 million users every month.IPC – What do they distribute? IPC distributes a wide range of magazines such as Marie Claire, TVTimes, NME, Ideal Home, Country Life, Nuts, Soaplife, Mousebreaker and Now. My magazine isn't of their usual, however my magazine could be distributed by them as it could hit a bigger audience for their institution and there wouldn't be any competition within the conglomerate.
  • BBC; The BBC Already distribute ; Top of the Pops and Girl Talk these are aimed at my target audience. Therefor if they where to distribute my magazine it my cause to much competition within the conglomerate, however it could also be good as they would already have a good population of my target audience already reading their magazines, in which they trust and then would probably read my magazine.

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