Friday 18 October 2013

My Task Check list For My music magazine

My Task Check list
For My music magazine

  1. Conventions of a music magazine
  2. Conventions of a double page spread
  3. Conventions of a contents page
  4. Reader profile
  5. Genre Research
  6. Google Front cover mock ups
  7. Genre Mood Board
  8. Examples of shots (photo shoot)
  9. Idea mood board relating to genre/Target audience
  10. Colour scheme
  11. Social class and Demographics
  12. focus group
  13. focus group response
  14. Liar anylasis 
  15. Intial Ideas Spider diagram
  16. Digital mock-up of front cover, double page spread and contents page.
  17. Any unused images
  18. Final front cover
  19. Evaluation

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