Tuesday 19 November 2013

Example test shots

Two Shot ; Medium close up

 I believe this image is framed quiet well and the positioning of both the models its good however I believe the Lighting needs work as I find that its quiet dark.

One shot; Medium shot

I like this shot  the angle of the shot is quiet good. when Looking at this image there is enough  space for a mast head The background lighting isn't great and I think I might use this image to test some edits on Photoshop.

One shot; Medium shot

I believe this shot is on a good angle  however the lighting is a bit to dark and the  definition of the face isn't great.

One shot ; Medium shot

I like this shot the lighting is good along with the angle. The framing works quiet well however there isn't much space for a mast head and the feature stories would be quiet bunched together.

One Shot ; Medium close up;

This image framing isn't very good and is to far to the left, The spacing above my models head isn't big enough for a mast head. My model needs to be positioned differently and in a rehearsed pose. I believe the costume of this image could be better along with the lighting of the image and the contrast.

Group Shot ; Band

I like this shot however the angle isn't great and the shadows around to shot are also not the best. I believe the poses of the models works well and the angle of them however the angle of the framing doesn't work.

One shot ; Medium Close up

I like this shot the lighting is good along with the angle , However when Looking at this image there isn't much space for a mast head I think this shot taken slightly higher up giving some more space above my models head would allow me the right amount of space for a mast head.The background lighting isn't great and I think I might use this image to test some edits on Photoshop.

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