Tuesday 11 February 2014

My Double Page Spread Drafting

This Is my double Page spread drafting process in which I cut and changed various things.

On this double page spread, this was my first attempt, I found that the left 
hand side where my main image was very bare, I also found that my standfirst wasn't very
long and didn't really explain much about the article therefor I decided to edit it.

On my second draft I found that by moving the pull quote more centrally in the middle
of my article was more conventional, and I decided to expand on my standfirst. However now after removing my masthead/heading and placing it within the article, I now have no masthead/heading 
and the left hand side is still quite bare.
On my third draft, I decided to add hearts to the left hand side of the page
In order to add a touch of girlyness and to fill the negative space which was there before.
I also decided to re-change the columns and instead of having three I made it to 4 and re-positioned and re-coloured the text. However I still had no masthead/heading.

On my final draft, I had finally found a masthead/heading and I felt happy with 
the out come to my double page spread.

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