Sunday 9 February 2014

The Lead up to my double page spread /article.

When considering my article I must consider my pull quote from my front cover "All An Act".

First I must consider if I am to do a Question & Answer or If I am to do a story article.
When considering my article I found that a Question & Answer would work best for my pop genre. I found that I due to the costume used for my  front page It would work best to discuss some for of growing up and change. Almost as if "Lucy-Loo" was acting as someone she wasn't.
When writing my question and answer I considered my models character profile;

Name; Lucy-Loo
Age; 17
Occupation; Now singer
Education; Was at a public school
Siblings; Older sister
Relationship; single 
Parents; Lives with Mum. Dad rarely visits.
Albums; Recent single; 'free'
Record Label; Island def jam records.
Hair colour; Brown ; Dyed pink
Eye colour; Brown

Writing a character profile allowed me to have a pre-idea of what I can write about such as;

Relationships (Love Life)
Parents (Home Life)
Occupation (Rise To Fame)
Albums (What It means to her)

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